The 24/7 Facility Access Trend
Sports facilities have to go through shifts and follow trends, just like every other business. The key is to maximize each trend and market shift for growth and revenue opportunities. Potential clients no longer want to be limited to a facility’s schedule. Instead, they expect easy access whenever they can fit it into their busy days. This is why the 24-hour fitness facilities are taking off. If you want your facility to stay at the top of its game and offer a great first impression, 24/7 facility access to equipment and machines will put you ahead of your competitors.
To many, though, this seems like an intimidating thing to offer. Questions like: Who will work those late night/early morning hours? How will I ensure proper care is being taken with equipment and machines? How much more staffing expenses will this rack up?
Don’t stress. Before you fall down the black hole of questions and concerns, know there is a solution. Third-party access control companies can handle it all for you… through digital technology.
24/7 Access Abilities
There are plenty of third-party systems with a variety of capabilities, but here are the basics. The system you choose will allow you to set access restrictions for memberships and rentals. Think of it like those commercialized 24-hour gyms like Anytime Fitness, Planet Fitness, etc. Based on your needs/wants, you can choose a system that uses key fobs, barcodes, an app on the client’s phones, or even fingerprint technology to give access to members and renters. Based on membership levels and rental packages, you can design your access system to give different varieties of access and permissions within the facility.
Depending on what your facility offers, this can be as simple or as complex as needed. Some facilities will require reservations. Though others will allow a first-come, first-serve policy with the machines and equipment. A feature that many facilities like is the time restriction feature of access control software. Facilities can set limits that allow access to begin 10 minutes before the rental/space reservation and will last 10 minutes into the reserved time. When the client misses their reservation, it is canceled and will not allow interference with any other reserved spots. This keeps clear guidelines in place and restricts the ability to abuse the freedom that digital access offers.
Security System
Not having someone to monitor the 24/7 facility access can make some owners nervous. However, these third-party systems thought ahead and provide systems within the digital technology to ensure safety and security within the facility. Many systems have a camera connection that will turn on security cameras every time someone enters the facility. The scanning procedure also allows facility managers to know exactly who is entering and exiting the facility at exact times. Facility owners will always be able to keep an eye on the machines, equipment, and client behavior as necessary.
24/7 Revenue Opportunities
Many of you are probably wondering – why is it so important to use software like this? Why can’t we just extend our hours and have staff in the facility for more hours during the day? Well… you could, but why add those unnecessary expenses and continue to limit the revenue opportunities. These systems help cut facility staff expenses AND it opens up more time to make money for the facility. Use an access control system with or without staff in the building. Running 24/7 provides more opportunities for booking rentals and reservations. This means more money without the expense of hiring a person to open the door.
Overall, 24/7 facility access is where the industry is moving. Gain the advantage over your competitors and hop on the trend while it is still early. Lay out a list of what you need, do your research, and extend those hours of operation.
Consider another added feature in this process – compatibility with facility management software. For instance, eSoft Planner is teaming with a third-party access control system and implementing it in the upcoming new version. You limit expenses and maximize revenue with everything done in a single app. Keep that in mind in your search for the perfect fit.
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