Maximizing Efficiency in Public Spaces: A Case Study on Park and Rec Software
Recently, a smaller town started facing issues managing the complex scheduling demands required of the public services they offered. City staff recognized the need to find a scheduling software that could handle all of their challenges. Mainly, they found that eSoft Planner’s park and rec software would fit their unique scheduling needs and solve their problems with ease.
The Park and Rec Software That Fits Their Needs
At first, their main priority was finding a scheduling software that could manage several of their locations: a gym, rec center, several fields, and pavilions. They wanted to use the system as more of an internal scheduling tool, to streamline communications between multiple departments. eSoft Planner’s real-time calendar fits their needs perfectly.
In addition, they have recently started integrating e-commerce features into their scheduling. The city will offer all of its programming – from swim lessons to community registration events. Then, the public will be able to use the app to book their rentals or register for camps/clinics. With our software, they can easily keep track of clients booking their fields or registering for classes. U.S. residents “visit local park and recreation facilities on average 22 times a year,” so it’s essential for cities to easily manage all their visits and bookings. Clients can pay online before bookings, earning the city more cash flow.
One of the bigger benefits of scheduling software is that you can easily manage resident verification. Staff can review a client’s address once they have created their account. Then, each account will be placed within a specific client group – in the town’s case, within resident and non-resident groups. The town offered discounts on rentals and camps/clinics if you were placed in the resident group. In addition, residents will get the first chance to schedule services. Client grouping allows the city to easily schedule between two different groups without issue.
By streamlining their scheduling processes, the town improved its efficiency, reduced costs, and enhanced the quality of services provided to its residents. The town’s success highlights the importance of utilizing scheduling software to manage the park services. Request a custom demo of our software to learn how it can benefit your town.