Maximizing Efficiency With A Pickleball Scheduling App: A Facility’s Success Story

As the popularity of pickleball continues to rise, facilities are adapting their scheduling strategies to keep up with growing demand. Pickleball participation has grown 223.5% over the last three years! One facility, equipped with three indoor and three outdoor courts, turned to eSoft Planner to help manage their court rentals. This case study explores how our pickleball scheduling app helped the facility streamline its operations and optimize court utilization.

Our Pickleball Scheduling App’s Custom Features

Using eSoft Planner, the facility set up customized time blocks of 90 and 120 minute offerings for rentals. This was set in place at the request of clients with the need to reserve more than one hour for practices. With this customization, the booking system was easy to manage bookings and no longer required manual adjustments from staff. 

The club also offers drop-in pickleball sessions. This was a popular night among their members, who were looking for more low-commitment opportunities to play pickleball. By blocking their availability on the calendar, the staff could ensure that no one else could book the locations used for these nights. 

The facility can also implement discounts for members or outside organizations within their pricing. For example, they offered police and firefighters discounts to play at non-peak hours. This attracts more playtime during their typically slower periods of time. Not only does it benefit the club, but it also helps these members who do not have traditional work hours. 

Planning For The Future

The club is currently exploring adding access control for their outdoor courts. This feature allows the facility to provide access codes to players at their rental times. With these codes, players can access the facility without needing on-site staff present. This reduces administrative time significantly, broadening hours available for players while ensuring controlled access for paying members. 

Currently, the club is primarily focused on rentals. However, they are considering future opportunities with new programming options. These include: camps and clinics, leagues, and weekly sessions. These opportunities can help grow their pickleball facility and further build their client base. 


eSoft Planner’s pickleball scheduling app has become an invaluable tool in managing the growing demand for court time. The app has helped clubs run more smoothly, ensuring that both the players and the facility can enjoy the game without stressful booking processes or administrative problems. Request a custom demo of our software for more insights into how our app can grow your pickleball club.